Hitler greeted in Berlin after Munich "victory." Berlin, Germany: The scene at the Anhalter railway station her as storm troopers hold back part of...
Arms akimbo, premier Benito Mussolini views a parade of Italian might with his "pal" Adolf Hitler, King Victor Emmanuel, and Queen Elena, in Rome,...
Molotoff bids farewell on his way to Russia to, r-1., Italian embassy staff attache, Zamboni, in place of the Italian ambassador Alfieri; Dr. Ley;...
Hitler Meeting Japanese Foreign Minister. Berlin, Germany: Adolf Hitler talking to Japanese foreign minister Matsuoka during the latter's recent...
Berlin, Germany- Historic scene in Berlin during the signing of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo mutual assistance pact, uniting the signatories against any...
Berlin, Germany- Scene during the recent signing of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo mutual assistance pact, in which the signatories agreed to unite against...
Pictures of Molotov's state visit to Berlin November 12, 1940 were taken from the personal album of Joachim Von Ribbentrop and released for the first...
Nuremberg, Germany: Here are shown the defendants in the Nuremberg War Criminals Trial as they sit in various attitudes during the phases of the...
Hermann Goering, Joachim Ribbentrop, Rudolf Hess were three of 24 Nazi leaders tried for World War II war crimes in tribunals held in Nuremberg,...
Hermann Goering, Joachim Ribbentrop, Rudolf Hess, and Wilhelm Keitel were four of 24 Nazi leaders tried for World War II war crimes in tribunals held...
Joachim von Ribbentrop as he dines with Rudolf Hess, on GI chow, from GI mess gear, during lunch at the Palace of Justice, Nuernberg. He doesn't seem...
Defendants sit up and take notice at the Nuremberg war crimes trials as they stare intently at a chart of the Nazi party organization which was...
Goering Lunches at Trial. Nuremberg, Germany: Hermann Goering seems startled by the photographer's flash as he lunches "a la American Army" during...
Goering Worries at Trial. Nuremberg, Germany: Worried Herman Goering leans forward on the rail of the dock and gnaws his fingernail during the trials...
Joachim von Ribbentrop tries to shield his face from photographer as he dines with Rudolf Hess, on GI chow, from GI mess gear, during lunch at the...
German dictator Adolf Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini meet in a railway station at the Brenner Pass, in the Tyrolean Alps on the...
German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler stands next to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on the steps of the Vittorio Emanuele Monument, Piazza Venezia, Rome,...
The twenty-one defendants at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial sitting in the dock awaiting sentencing, Nuremberg, Germany. Among the defendants are, :...
Members of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich sit in the witness box with headsets on, on the third day of the International Military Tribunal's war crimes...
French Marshal and Vichy leader Henri-hilippe Petain shaking hands with Adolf Hitler after the fall of France, October 1940. Behind them is German...
Joachim von Ribbentrop quittant Berlin pour Paris en uniforme d'officier des milices hitlériennes, à Berlin, Allemagne.
Oshima, Hiroshi - Diplomat, Officer, Japan*1886-1975+- at Fuschl Castle in the Salzkammergut with Joachim von Ribbentrop , Foreign minister of...
Joachim von Ribbentrop arrive au Foreign Office pour s'entretenir avec Lord Halifax le 11 février 1937 à Londres, Royaume-Uni.
Joachim von Ribbentrop the German ambassador with Ernst Bohle, the leader of the foreign organisation of the Nazi party on arrival at Croydon. They...
Portrait of Nazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop a few days before his 45th birthday . April 27, 1938.
Portrait of Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Nazi ambassador to Great Britain. Ribbentrop later became Hitler's minister of foreign affairs.
Foreign Affairs, 'Grenzvertrag Germany/USSR': Reichsaussenminister Joachim von Ribbentrop with Adolf Hitler, after his return from Moscow in the...
After the signing of the German-British naval agreement: Adolf Hitler is greeting ambassador extraordinary Joachim von Ribbentrop at the Reich...
Signing of the German-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Demarcation in the Kremlin in Moscow by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav...
Ribbentrop, Joachim von*30.04.1893-16.101946+Politiker, D, NSDAPmit seinen Kindern Ursula und Adolf- 1938
Joachim von Ribbentrop , German politician and diplomat in SS uniform. He was executed for war crimes after the Nuremberg trials.
German Nazi politician Joachim von Ribbentrop , Ambassador to Britain in 1936 and foreign minister in 1938. He was executed at Nuremberg for war...
German war crimes defendants sitting in a courtroom of the International Tribunal. Among them, there are Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim Von...
Opening of the 'Nuremberg Rally for work' in the Luitpoldhalle. F. L: Heinrich Himmler, Viktor Lutze, Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Julius Streicher....
Son arrivée à l'aérodrome de Munich en Allemagne, le président du conseil Edouard Daladier, accompagné du ministre des affaires étrangères Joachim...
Le président du conseil Edouard Daladier, accompagné du ministre des affaires étrangères Joachim von Ribbentrop, quitte en voiture l'aérodrome de...
Edouard Daladier et Joachim von Ribbentrop se saluent après les accords de Munich à Munich en Allemagne, le 30 septembre 1938.
Ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop and members of the German delegation on arrival at Croydon Aerodrome, 18th March 1936. They are in London to attend...
Amiral Räder, l'ambassadeur von Ribbentrop et l'amiral Albrecht se recueillent aux obsèques du capitaine de vaisseaul Wassner le 29 août 1937 à...
Amiral Räder et le ministre des Affaires Etrangères du reich Joachim von Ribbentrop écoutent le discours du Führer lors de la session du Reichstag le...
Ambassadeur de France Monsieur François-Poncet et son épouse assistent au concert organisé par la colonie française de Berlin en compagnie de...
Monsieur et Madame von Ribbentrop à leur arrivée à Belfast, Irlande du Nord, Royaume-Uni le 29 mai 1936.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères allemand von Ribbentrop apposant sa signature en bas du traité, à Rome, Italie le 6 novembre 1937.
Defendants in the dock in Room 600 at the Palace of Justice, during proceedings against leading Nazi figures for war crimes, at the International...
Defendants in the dock in Room 600 at the Palace of Justice, during proceedings against leading Nazi figures for war crimes at the International...
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain passes a Nazi honour guard on his arrival at Oberwiesenfeld airport before a meeting with Adolf Hitler...
Defendants in the dock in Room 600 at the Palace of Justice, during proceedings against leading Nazi figures for war crimes at the International...
Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Count Galeazzo Ciano shakes hands with German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop at Salzburg airport, 15th...
Amiral Schuster et von Ribbentrop, délégué de l'Allemagne dans les rues de Londres, Royaume-Uni le 3 juin 1935.
Defendants in the dock in Room 600 at the Palace of Justice, during proceedings against leading Nazi figures for war crimes at the International...
Defendants in the dock in Room 600 at the Palace of Justice, during proceedings against leading Nazi figures for war crimes at the International...
De gauche à droite, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop et Keitel au premier rang, Doenitz, Raeder et Schirach au deuxième rang pendant l'appelation de leurs...
War and Conflict, Post World War Two, Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, pic: November 1945, German Nazi leaders in the dock at Nuremberg facing war crimes...
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain , during Chamberlain's visit to Munich, which led to the Munich Agreement,...
Berlin, Germany, 6th October Nazi German Foreign minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop receiving the congratulations of leader Adolf Hitler after reporting...