Engraved color advertisement for a Liebig's meat extract, depicting the rigid frame dirigible of Count Zeppelin and the non-rigid dirigible...
Originally the engine building subsidiary of the German Zeppelin Company , Maybach Motorenbau G.m.b.H. Of Friedrichshafen possibly became better...
The Great War-Ships Of The Air, 1909. Diagrams of German dirigibles. The Zeppelin, the Parseval, and the Gross II. 'The highest development is marked...
British airship "PARSEVAL" & army aeroplanes, between circa 1910 and circa 1915. Creator: Bain News Service.
This World War I engine, built by Germany’s Maybach, was of the type that powered the Zeppelin, Schutte-Lanz, and Parseval airships or airplanes such...
Parseval 27 . PL 27 German airship designed by August von Parseval . PL 27 did not meet increased military requirements, and was therefore not put to...
Parseval I . The first in the Parseval series of German airships designed by August von Parseval . Capacity: 2300 cubic metres; length: 50 metres;...
Coloured print. Major August von Parseval began studying airship design while working for the German military in 1900. On 21 May 1906 he flew his...
The German airships 'Zeppelin' and 'Parseval', Liebig trade card, c.1910. 'La Navigazione Aerea' . One of a set of Italian Liebig trade cards showing...
An airship designed by Parseval is being built at an assembly hangar in Fischamend for the Austrian military.
An airship designed by Parseval is being built at an assembly hangar in Fischamend for the Austrian military.
Landing of the first Parseval airship in Munich. Germany. Photography. 14. October 1909. [Landung des ersten Parseval Luftschiffes in Muenchen....
German Empire - The Parseval-airship "Stollwerck" at the airfield. - Photographer: Deutsche Illustrations-Gesellschaft - 1913 Vintage property of...
Parseval, August von *05.02.1861-+Ingenieur, Luftschiffer, D- Portrait, mit dem Modell eines von ihm konstruierten Luftschiffes- undatiert
Parseval, August von *05.02.1861-+ - airship designer, Germany - and Captain von Schiller at the 'Haus der Flieger' in Berlin
Parseval, August von *05.02.1861-+ - airship designer, Germany - date unknown, about 1941 - published by DAZ
Parseval, August von *05.02.1861-+ - airship designer, Germany - - published by BIZ 5/1924 photographer: Rudolf Duehrkoop
German Empire - Hamburg Freie- und Hansestadt - Hamburg Hundreds of onlookers want to have a look at the flying Parseval airship. - Photographer: -...
Bavaria, Ludwig III. Of, Germany*07.01.1845-+- and Count Ferdinand Zeppelin before thier ascension with the airship 'Parseval' - - Photographer:...
Bavaria, Ludwig III. Of, Germany*07.01.1845-+- and Count Ferdinand Zeppelin before their ascension with the airship 'Parseval' - - Photographer:...
August Parseval Ingenieur/Luftschiffkonstrukteur, D Aufstieg Versuchsluftschiff von August ParsevalExerzierfeld/Schiessplatz, Tegel bei BerlinSommer...
Absturz eines Luftschiffes: Der Wagen enthält die Ballonhülle und andere Teile des abgestürzten Parseval, eventuell des PL 1. August von Parseval...
Germany, Kingdom Prussia, Rhine-Province - Koeln Cologne Dirigible 'Parseval' PL1 leaving the hangar: - Photographer: M. Rol- Vintage property of...
Germany, Kingdom Prussia, Rhine-Province - Koeln Cologne Dirigible 'Parseval' PL1 on flight - Photographer: M. Rol- Vintage property of ullstein bild
Germany. PL25 Parseval Luftschiff 25 was a nonrigid military airship made in 1914 1915 by the Luft Fahrzeug Gesellschaft in Bitterfeld and was the...
Vintage trade card illustration advertising Oxo bouillon cubes and featuring the dirigibles of Graf Zeppelin and the Parseval, used for military...
Berlin, aviation. Probably the first flight of the Parseval airship PL 2 / P.Iin Tegel. - August / September 1908
Berlin, aviation. Autumn aviation weeks in Johannisthal. Airplane Etrich-Rumpler Taube and Parseval airship. - undated, probably 1910 - Published by:...
Berlin -Tegel, aviation. Probably the first starting of the Parseval airship PL 2 / P.I. - August / September 1908
Berlin, aviation. Probably the first flight of the Parseval airship PL 2 / P.Iin Tegel. - August / September 1908
Berlin - Grunewald, aviation. Crash of a Parseval airship PL 2 / P.I in front of a mansion. - August / September 1908
"Cover of Casabella, N. 446, April 1979, 20th Century, graphic, 31 x 24,5 cm Italy, Lombardy, Milan, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Whole artwork view....
Vintage trade card advertising Liebig's meat extract and featuring the German zeppelin, Parseval, with its entourage, published in Paris, circa 1910.
August von Parseval *05.02.1861-+ Engineer, airship designer, Germany - Vintage property of ullstein bild 2:2
German airship designed by Count von Zeppelin and, at the top right corner, the much smaller French airship 'Parseval'. Liebig trade card c1900.
German Empire Kingdom Prussia - Brandenburg Provinz - Berlin Omnibus with open top deck at the street 'Unter den Linden' in Berlin. Above a Parseval...
Switzerland Zurich-Kanton Zurich The gordon-Bennett-Cup is a international gas balloon race. Viewers have a look at a Parseval-Airship. -...
German Empire - : Transport of Airship Parseval Type A with horses - - undatedVintage property of ullstein bild
German Empire - : Transport of Airship Parseval Type A with horses - - undatedVintage property of ullstein bild