RUSHES: Rishi Sunak speech
Rishi Sunak speech; Part 2 of 2
Rishi Sunak MP (Prime Minister) speech (continued from Part 1) SOT
- Now, parents and teachers listening to this will want to know what that means for our children today / so let me tell you / we’re in the process of making maths more accessible, building our children’s confidence, so they don’t fear maths / we’re creating more sector specific content that can excite young people about the relevance of maths for the careers that they aspire to / to help teachers bring maths to life in the classroom, from building sets for school plays to calculating the angles of free kicks or the speed of a formula one car.
- We’re extending our Maths Hubs – unique partnerships of expert schools that support maths teaching / and we’re strengthening maths in primary schools, including with a new fully funded professional qualification for those that are teaching it / but we also need to address a very specific problem that’s causing us to fall behind the rest of the world / we are one of the few developed countries where young people don’t routinely study some form of maths up to the age of 18 / they do it in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, Japan, Norway and America / why should we accept any less for our children; 0f course, we shouldn’t
- That’s why I set out in January we are going to change the way our system works, so that everyone in our country will study some form of maths all the way to 18 / now let me be absolutely clear – I am not saying the answer is A-Level maths for everyone / but we do need to work out the maths our young people should study / so we’re going to look at what 16-18 year olds around the world are learning / and we’re going to listen to employers and ask them what they say the maths skills are that they need
- That’s why today I am appointing a new expert group who will help us identify that core maths content that our 16-to-18 year olds need, and whether we need a new specific qualification to...

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17. April 2023
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- Finnland,
- Identität,
- Individualität,
- Japan,
- Klassenzimmer,
- 16-17 Jahre,
- 18-19 Jahre,
- A-Levels - Britischer Schulabschluss,
- Abhängigkeit,
- Angst,
- Arbeiten,
- Audio verfügbar,
- Aufregung,
- Australien,
- Bekommen,
- Berufliche Partnerschaft,
- Dehnen,
- Echtzeit,
- Eltern,
- Entwicklung,
- Etwas herstellen,
- Experte,
- Farbbild,
- Film - Filmtechnik,
- Finanzwirtschaft und Industrie,
- Fitnesstraining,
- Formel 1,
- Fragen,
- Freistoß,
- Fähigkeit,
- Geografische Lage,
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- Geschäftsleute,
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- HD-Format,
- ITN Pool Rushes,
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- Land - Geografisches Gebiet,
- Lebensziel,
- Lehrkraft,
- Leitende Position,
- Lernen,
- Lösung,
- Mathematik,
- Mithilfe,
- Neu,
- Norwegen,
- Ordnung,
- Parlamentsmitglied,
- Politik,
- Politik und Regierung,
- Problem,
- Rechnen,
- Rede,
- Reise,
- Rishi Sunak,
- Rohmaterial,
- Ruhen,
- Sachverstand,
- Sehen,
- Selbstvertrauen,
- Sportstrecke,
- Unterrichten,
- Vereinigtes Königreich,
- Weisheit,
- Winkel,
- Zuhören,