Today's Talk: Gifford And Kotb Discuss The Latest Scoop

Today's Talk: Gifford And Kotb Discuss The Latest Scoop

NBC ID: ARE6NBY5MB | Production Unit: NBC News | Media Type: Aired Show | Air Date(s): 06/16/2014 | Event Date(s): 06/16/2014


Event Date(s): 06/16/2014 | Event Location(s): Rosenberg, Texas | Description: STILLS: Kotb’s friend near a man jogging in his underwear, and Kotb with friends. STILL: Frank Gifford grilling, sitting on a patio, and a table set on the patio. STILL: Insert of Casey Kasem. EJ: INT MS: Kasem records his Top 40 countdown radio show and says “I’m Casey Kasem. These are the most popular songs in the USA.” STILL: Kasem. VO: Kasem says “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.” STILLS: Prince George walking near Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. EJ: CLIP: Video clip of Rosenberg, Texas police officers in a patrol car lip synching to Katie Perry’s song “Dark Horse.” Gifford and Kotb x-talk live in-studio: “KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Hello, everybody. And, by that, I mean you. HODA KOTB: Yes. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: It is Fun-Day Monday. It's June 16th. So excited that you're here with us today. We have a nice show today, a funny one, hopefully. HODA KOTB: We have comedian Wanda Sykes who's always a blast. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah, she is. HODA KOTB: She did that Last Comic Standing show on NBC. We're going to talk to her. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Lots of Hollywood buzz going on so we're going to catch up on that. HODA KOTB: And we're going to tell you what Zumba could do for you. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Okay. But, in the meantime, you went off to one of your favorite places in the world at the weekend. HODA KOTB: I love New Orleans. I had a spectacular time with my friends Karen (ph), John (ph)-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Her husband John. HODA KOTB: --and Catherine (ph). KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: We have a couple of photos of the New Orleans festivities. One is of-- this was-- we were running along the lake and there was a guy running in his underwear. So I-- we were like seventh grade girls like oh, my God, his undies are on, so Karen pointed. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Why didn't you get him a little closer? HODA KOTB: We tried but he was running fast. We were slow. And the other picture is of me, Karen, Catherine and John's thumb. And so all four of us had a great time but it was a terrific, nice weekend. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Oh, they're so lovely. HODA KOTB: How-- how was your weekend? KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: My-- mine was-- I have an equally bad picture. HODA KOTB: What? Let's see. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Well-- HODA KOTB: I love that picture. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --remember when Jill gave us some ideas for Father's Day last week? HODA KOTB: Yep. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Well, that's what I gave Frank. Everything Jill gave me-- HODA KOTB: Yeah. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --to gift for Frank. And I think we have a picture of him. There he is by the grill. HODA KOTB: Oh, it's a good shot. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: He's-- I-- I-- he opened it up, he goes, what am I going to do with this, I don't need this. HODA KOTB: Wear it. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Half an hour later, he comes all decked out and it's so-- HODA KOTB: How cute is that? KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Oh, no. And, you know what he did? We shot-- we're shooting the book Good Gifts, you know, that we're doing to-- to raise money for the Salvation Army. HODA KOTB: Uh-huh. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: So we've been shooting for the last, oh, eight months or so, shots from the-- from the house with-- with recipes and all kinds of stuff. There's one down the façade-- HODA KOTB: That's beautiful. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah, it's been fun. So that will be out hopefully in time for Christmas. HODA KOTB: We want to see that book. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yes. So we-- and then I had a signing of that stuff that I have that I'm not allowed to talk about. HODA KOTB: By the way, your signings are out of control. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. And the stuff is great. HODA KOTB: Well-- and here's the funny thing. People are lining up for the stuff. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: They're lining up, yeah. We went for a two-hour signing of the stuff in-- HODA KOTB: New Jersey. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: They told me it was Stanhope, New Jersey. I can't tell you how many people. As I went along, they said it's Byrum. I'm sorry. You're only as good as your research. HODA KOTB: So you went and the lines were long? KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Well, you know what, we were going to be there for two hours, and we ended up being there almost three. So, thank you, everybody. HODA KOTB: How great! KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Thank you for-- for enjoying the stuff. HODA KOTB: By the way, the stuff is hot. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: This stuff is good. HODA KOTB: All right. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: We do have sad news this week. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: And we've been knowing that Casey Kasem had been ailing for some time and he passed away on Sunday, on Father's Day. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: On Father's Day, yeah. HODA KOTB: He was eighty-two. And, you know, it's so funny. When you hear his name and you hear that iconic voice-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yes. HODA KOTB: --it makes all of us just harking back to, you know, our younger days. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Well, that was certainly my generation. Not yours so much, Hod. HODA KOTB: No. We heard, no-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Really? HODA KOTB: --in the car on the way to the beach. All of us. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Really? Yeah. He did it for a long, long time. HODA KOTB: Let's listen in case-- in case you've forgotten the voice. CASEY KASEM: I'm Casey Kasem. These are the most popular songs in the USA. Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. HODA KOTB: Oh, my God. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah, he's a very nice man. I met him a couple of times out in Los Angeles. He could not have been more gracious. And, you know, I'm so glad that all that family arguing is over. Now they'll argue about the will, I suppose. I don't know. HODA KOTB: You know what? I was just thinking when I was looking through the papers. You want to read about Casey Kasem's legacy and instead you read a little bit about the legacy, but three-fourths of the articles were about the family fighting-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Hm-Mm. HODA KOTB: --and the new wife and who had the custody and, you know, it's just-- it's too bad that that part came to be. But he lived an incredible life. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: He did. He-- he died from the same disease that my father died from-- HODA KOTB: Hm-Mm. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --which is something that's just an insidious horrible disease called Lewy body dementia. HODA KOTB: Hm-Mm. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: So I'm glad that his suffering and his family's suffering is over because that is an awful thing to live with. HODA KOTB: Terrible. All right. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: Well, let's move on. We-- this is an interesting-- this-- this is a great story. First of all, anything that has to do with little Prince George. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: The little prince. We love him. HODA KOTB: Okay. Guess what little Prince George did. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: He's walking. He's trying to walk. HODA KOTB: He took a step, we think. Oh, my God. Look at this. He's trying out those legs. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And look how great she looks in jeans, you know. Come on. HODA KOTB: She does. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah, yeah. HODA KOTB: Oh, my gosh. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: He is just delicious. HODA KOTB: He was at a-- he was at a polo match, a charity match. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: And-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: In Gloucester, whatever, in Gloucester. HODA KOTB: Gloucester. Anyway, George-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: God bless you. HODA KOTB: --turns one in just over a month. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Okay. HODA KOTB: All right. So how about this? Picture this. You're on a flight. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Right. HODA KOTB: You're with your three-year-old and the flight's about to take off. You're on the tarmac. You're on the run-- you know, you're going and you're buckled in and suddenly your three-year-old says, mom, I have to go to the bathroom. And you say, well, honey, we can't, the flight is on the taxiway. And the kid keeps saying I have to go, I have to go. And you-- you're on a taxiway-- we're not a hundred percent sure if this plane was moving or just-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: --waiting-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: We don’t know all the details. HODA KOTB: But the mother was freaking, so she decided her kid was going to have to get up and go to the bathroom. Well, the flight attendant jumped up and said, no, you can't go, you must stay in the seat. So guess what happened. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: The kid who had to go went. HODA KOTB: Went. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: In the seat. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Right, right. HODA KOTB: And then-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: The mother, I guess, was freaking out because of that, and then she wanted to try to clean up her child by getting the child out of the seat. HODA KOTB: And then she stood up again, and then they-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Stood up again. HODA KOTB: --and the cops were going to come. It was a whole-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: They were going to take-- HODA KOTB: --mix. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --the child off the plane. Her name was Jennifer Deveraux. HODA KOTB: Deveraux. Yeah, she-- anyway-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And I-- you know what? HODA KOTB: --it all calmed down at the end of the day. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: It's enough AAA regulation. You cannot be up and about when you are on an active runway. We know that. But-- HODA KOTB: It is-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --who knows if they had been sitting there for three hours waiting for-- you know, who knows? HODA KOTB: Well, there's nothing more frustrating than to be sitting-- it's like you're sitting on a greyhound bus practically. You're not moving. You're just like-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I know. HODA KOTB: --I just need to go-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I know. HODA KOTB: --over there and-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: You can't-- HODA KOTB: --use the bathroom for one second. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Can't explain it to a three-year-old or, you know, the flight attendant. HODA KOTB: Well, JetBlue did apologize and they offered her full credit and a five-thousand-dollar reward to a charity of her choice. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And the mother then said it was an awful experience, but I couldn't be happier with the outcome. JetBlue gave us a five thousand donation to a charity of our choice, would you send that in my (Unintelligible) name, we're okay. HODA KOTB: Okay. Anyway-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Worth more to us than a lifetime of free flights. The charity we support helps underprivileged children-- HODA KOTB: Great. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --love, peace, humility, and strength. Good, good. HODA KOTB: All right. JetBlue-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Oh, they have-- how come everybody gets back to us when we-- HODA KOTB: We're about to go on the air. This stuff always drags our show down. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Badly. HODA KOTB: Anyway, this incident in question happened while the aircraft was on an active taxiway when FAA regulations require customers to remain at their seats. The crew-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: To the risk of sudden aircraft movement, the crew made us-- HODA KOTB: Okay. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --say that, and FAA regulation-based decision. We said that. But thank you. Thank you for getting back to us, actually, because nobody ever does. HODA KOTB: You know what, if they get back, we should thank them instead of complaining. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: We should thank them. HODA KOTB: And we have to read the whole statement, which is just what you said. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Let's read it again-- this time with respect. Okay. Everybody is buzzing about the World Cup. I didn't see a second of it because I had such a crazy weekend. HODA KOTB: But it's hard to escape it, because if you go get a manicure, guess what's on--the World Cup. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: The World Cup. HODA KOTB: If you are walking down the street, someone's talking about it. The U.S. plays Ghana today. It's going to be big. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Who's going to win? What, it's just a question? HODA KOTB: Well, okay. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Are they saying what the odds are? Who's Ghana win? HODA KOTB: Okay. We're going to find out who's Ghana win. All right, so anyway, there's a new survey out that says--this is a British survey--that man almost-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah, tell them who the survey is by, Hoda. HODA KOTB: I don't know. It's by this Durex. What is that? Durex. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: What do you think it is? HODA KOTB: Condoms? Whatever. They-- a condom company in the U.K. did a survey. They said almost a quarter of men from the U.K. said they would turn down sex to watch the World Cup. That also means that three-fourths of them would have sex and not watch the game. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: What is your point? HODA KOTB: My point is it's not so shocking that twenty-five percent of people don’t like soccer. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Especially if your team isn't playing. You could do both. All right. They love that story. I wasn't crazy about it. All right, this is supposed to be really cute. Police officers rap and sing Katy Perry's Dark Horse. HODA KOTB: So this is when the cops don’t-- they don't really have anything to do. They're kind of sitting like we are in our cars-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Waiting for-- HODA KOTB: --some officers in Texas sang it out loud. Let's listen. (Excerpt from Texas police officer singing Katy Perry's Dark Horse) HODA KOTB: My favorite part-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: All right, this is another way for you to have snuck on-- HODA KOTB: Here's my favorite. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --a song I can't stand. HODA KOTB: My favorite part is the guy is singing the Katy Perry part, and the girl is singing the rap part. I like it. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: All right. HODA KOTB: They call the hip-hop cops, and they're from Rosenberg, Texas. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: They're probably very cute. HODA KOTB: I like it. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Very, very cute. HODA KOTB: Very, very nice. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Although I don't like the song. I can't help it. HODA KOTB: All right. Time for our Favorite Things. And we are going to share our first favorite things. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: We're sharing your birthday. HODA KOTB: You guys-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: This is called Nourish Snacks. If you look at this-- look, it says open with joy-- HODA KOTB: And guess why. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --and then eat happy. HODA KOTB: Happy. You know when they say open with joy-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Because it's our Joy Bauer-- HODA KOTB: --because it's from Joy Bauer. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And these are delicious. HODA KOTB: They really are. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Each have thirty-five different varieties. They're all proportioned at two hundred calories or less. So-- HODA KOTB: And the great thing is there's one thing that is like -- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Almond and cherries. HODA KOTB: --popcorn kernels. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. Those are awesome. HODA KOTB: It's the half popped popcorn kernels. You know at the bottom that you like in the movies. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Look at Kate (ph). Kate, come over, have one. Come on. HODA KOTB: It's so good. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Kate's looking, really? Yeah. HODA KOTB: Try-- try the kernel. Do it here so we can see your face after you eat it. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: They're really, really good. Okay. And then-- HODA KOTB: Anyway-- KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I think she's- HODA KOTB: And they're-- how do you order them. Online. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Okay. HODA KOTB: Probably on our website too. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: You know who is coming this week? HODA KOTB: Who? KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I'm not sure if it's tomorrow. Is Joanna Philbin coming tomorrow, you guys, do you know? Nobody knows. She's coming this week. And I was reading her-- HODA KOTB: Wednesday. WOMAN: Wednesday. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Wednesday. Her sixth book. This is Regis and Joy's oldest daughter Joanna. HODA KOTB: She keeps writing books. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: This is called Since Last Summer. It's a-- it's a-- the next book after her last summer book and-- HODA KOTB: Mm-Hm. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: --she is a terrific writer. HODA KOTB: I look forward to her. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: I wouldn’t hold these up if they weren’t good and really fun. And-- and you want to know what happens. HODA KOTB: And we love Regis too. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. They're-- they're-- they're supposedly for young adult reading, but I like it. It's a lot of fun. All right. HODA KOTB: All right. Everyone Has a Story is coming up this week. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Oh yes, yes. HODA KOTB: Who is singing? KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Now, that is music, Hoda. Okay. This month's winner is Lisa Reso from Slidell, Louisiana. HODA KOTB: Slidell. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Slidell. She is -- remember we asked we were going to mix it up a little bit. We wanted to do a wonderful love story. HODA KOTB: Yeah. Everyone Has a Love Story. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Well, she is on the phone with us. Congratulations, Lisa. LISA RESO (Everyone Has A Story Contest Winner): Oh, thank you so much. Thank you so much. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Can you give us a-- a real brief synopsis of this story? I know what it was because we wrote the song for you, but tell everybody please. LISA RESO: Well, I am an oncology nurse, and I had a very special, special patient who every time she would come in for her chemotherapy, she would tell me about this wonderful guy she wanted me to meet. And, you know, I kept putting her off, putting her off. Finally we decided that we were going to meet, and then she-- she passed away, unfortunately. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Right. LISA RESO: So we did not get to meet. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And then six months later you got a phone call? LISA RESO: Then five months later, I got a phone call from her husband who said she left it on her bucket list for him to introduce me to Eddie. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And then what happened? LISA RESO: And I-- HODA KOTB: Don't-- don’t give it away. LISA RESO: --we-- we met-- we met and eight months later we were married. HODA KOTB: Oh, my gosh. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Well, we wrote, David Friedman and I wrote, your song called Mister Wonderful. Okay? LISA RESO: Oh, thank you. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: And you-- you come to New York. And some great Broadway performer is going to sing it for you. HODA KOTB: And bring that New Orleans cheer with you. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: Yeah. HODA KOTB: I can't wait to see you. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: God bless, honey. LISA RESO: I will. I will. Thank you. KATHIE LEE GIFFORD: All right. See you soon.”

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