Nancy Pelosi Says Republican Focus on Tax Cuts Trumped American Health Care

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California tells reporters after House Republicans past the American Health Care Act on the floor that it was very interesting to see the debate, there is no question that Democrats won the debate, that the American people will judge them by how they acted, the vote will be tattooed to them, it is a great civics lesson for America because people will know who their member of Congress is, that Republicans were true to their philosophy that Medicare, whether on the fine, that it is about giving tax breaks to the richest people and corporate America, one of the biggest transfers of wealth in the history of the country. Pelosi says Republicans were duped into walking the plank for a bill that will not become law because their desire to give a tax break for the rich just trumped everything.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California tells reporters after House Republicans past the American Health Care Act on the floor that it was very interesting to see the debate, there is no question that Democrats won the debate, that the American people will judge them by how they acted, the vote will be tattooed to them, it is a great civics lesson for America because people will know who their member of Congress is, that Republicans were true to their philosophy that Medicare, whether on the fine, that it is about giving tax breaks to the richest people and corporate America, one of the biggest transfers of wealth in the history of the country. Pelosi says Republicans were duped into walking the plank for a bill that will not become law because their desire to give a tax break for the rich just trumped everything.

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Erstellt am:
4. Mai 2017
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Washington, DC, United States
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