The Royal Grimaldi Family of Monaco

The royal Grimaldi family of Monaco, (L-R) Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Prince Rainier III, and Princess Caroline, near a pond at their French villa. Two months earlier, Princess Grace, formerly Grace Kelly, the American actress, wife of Prince Rainier and mother of Caroline, Albert, and Stephanie, died in a tragic automobile accident in Monaco. (Photo by © Richard Melloul/Sygma/CORBIS/Sygma via Getty Images)
The royal Grimaldi family of Monaco, (L-R) Prince Albert, Princess Stephanie, Prince Rainier III, and Princess Caroline, near a pond at their French villa. Two months earlier, Princess Grace, formerly Grace Kelly, the American actress, wife of Prince Rainier and mother of Caroline, Albert, and Stephanie, died in a tragic automobile accident in Monaco. (Photo by © Richard Melloul/Sygma/CORBIS/Sygma via Getty Images)
The Royal Grimaldi Family of Monaco
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Redaktionell #:
Sygma Premium
Erstellt am:
12. Dezember 1982
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Sygma Premium
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