A sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump sta

UNITED STATES - AUGUST 17: A sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump station 9, 10 miles south of Delta Junction, Alaska, Wednesday, August 17, 2005. The incoming section of the pipeline is seen at left. Pump station 9 is currently being changed from jet fuel powered turbine pumps to electrical pumps, part of a system wide pump house upgrade. Once complete a remote operator in Anchorage will be able to control all aspects of the pipeline from a single control room. As a result of the conversion the facility will need roughly 60% of its current workforce to maintain operations, not counting security personnel. Due to decreased production from the Prudhoe Bay oil field on the North Slope only 4 of the 11 pump stations along the 800-mile route of the pipeline are currently in use. (Photo by Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
UNITED STATES - AUGUST 17: A sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump station 9, 10 miles south of Delta Junction, Alaska, Wednesday, August 17, 2005. The incoming section of the pipeline is seen at left. Pump station 9 is currently being changed from jet fuel powered turbine pumps to electrical pumps, part of a system wide pump house upgrade. Once complete a remote operator in Anchorage will be able to control all aspects of the pipeline from a single control room. As a result of the conversion the facility will need roughly 60% of its current workforce to maintain operations, not counting security personnel. Due to decreased production from the Prudhoe Bay oil field on the North Slope only 4 of the 11 pump stations along the 800-mile route of the pipeline are currently in use. (Photo by Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
A sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump sta
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Getty ImagesA sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump sta, NachrichtenfotoA sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump sta, NachrichtenfotoA sign marks the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company's pump sta Erstklassige Nachrichtenbilder in hoher Auflösung bei Getty ImagesProduct #:94902762
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17. August 2005
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