Häkchen-Nahrung und Ernährung Vektor Icon Hintergrund - Stock-Grafiken

Check Mark Food and Diet Vector Icon Background. The main object of this illustration is composed with round colorful buttons with food, diet and nutrition icons on them. The icons are white in color and include a variety of nutrition and diet items. You will find such icons as fruit, dairy, meat, utensils and many more on this colorful vector composition. The background of the illustration is white with a slight gradient around the edges.
Check Mark Food and Diet Vector Icon Background. The main object of this illustration is composed with round colorful buttons with food, diet and nutrition icons on them. The icons are white in color and include a variety of nutrition and diet items. You will find such icons as fruit, dairy, meat, utensils and many more on this colorful vector composition. The background of the illustration is white with a slight gradient around the edges.
Häkchen-Nahrung und Ernährung Vektor Icon Hintergrund
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Getty ImagesHkchennahrung Und Ernhrung Vektor Icon Hintergrund, Stock-FotoHkchennahrung Und Ernhrung Vektor Icon Hintergrund, Stock-FotoLaden Sie authentische Premium-Grafiken zum Thema Häkchen-Nahrung und Ernährung Vektor Icon Hintergrund von Getty Images herunter. Entdecken Sie ähnliche hochauflösende Grafiken in unserem umfangreichen Bildkatalog.Product #:970297374
Getty Images
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Creative #:
DigitalVision Vectors
Max. Dateigröße:
3001 x 2898 px (25,41 x 24,54 cm) - 300 dpi - 5 MB
Hochgeladen am:
United States
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